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Predictions for May 2020 and Beyond


Welcome! Peace and Love to you. These are the psychic predictions of The Spiritual Fixer when he performed a Psychic readingto see what the future holds. They were transcribed the exact way these messages came through from the spirit realm.

We are NOTaffiliated with any political parties. These messages are NOT based on personal opinions or beliefs rather these are intuitive insights from the spiritual world.

The future is not static.Therefore, based on the healing energy of love, faith and the power of prayer, things can change. God is in control.

# Predicted It

In January’s predictions, I predicted that there would be allegations made against Joe Biden. Last week those allegations began and there will be more.

Predictions for May and Beyond


Note: Before reading these predictions please go back and read my prior predictions especially those from January (dated January 12) and March (dated February 26).

  1. I see that in order for COVID-19 to stop spreading that the whole of the USA needs to go into lockdown for 4 weeks. This means that the supermarkets, airports, US ports need to be closed and 100% of the population needs to remain indoors. This is the only way to defeat the virus. Unfortunately, the powers that be do not want to do that because it will hurt the Red States and their businesses. Sadly the concern is more about the election in November than about human lives.

  1. I see that if the Democrats use COVID-19 to their advantage they can win the election. However, they are not using it to their advantage right now in the media. Instead they are allowing other politicians blame them for the spreading of the virus and loss of life in the Blue States.

  1. As I said last month, I see that COVID-19 will slow down by late August, early September and intensify again Fall into Winter. This will cause the NBA and NFL seasons to be canceled because people would not feel safe going to watch sports in public as they are afraid of getting sick.

  1. I see that a new vaccine for COVID-19 will be found in the next 6 month and that it will really help to protect people.

  1. I see that the powers that be are looking for a distraction from COVID-19 and are planning to attack either Venezuela or Iran very soon.

  1. I see that the current President knows that if the media continues showing all the doom and gloom on television that his chances of getting re-elected will be slim and for this reason he wants to get the US economy going as soon as possible.

  1. I see that if COVID-19 starts to spread at an alarming rate in the Red States that the current President will try to reschedule the election out by a few months. I see that he knows the only way he will win the election is by keeping the Red and Swing states virus free for the businesses there to continue to make money and jobs remaining intact.

  1. As I predicted last month, I am still seeing that the powers that be, are not concerned about people in the Blue States. This is why they have been slow walking medical supplies.

  1. I see that the President and Democrats will come to an agreement for additional bailout money for jobs, housing and infrastructure by September 2020. The current President will then spin everything in the media to his advantage. I see that it will appear that he is the lone savior of the economy and it will work in his favor because people will believe it.

  1. I see that American people will be boycotting everything made in China and the US government will be pushing for everything to be made in the USA instead of overseas. I see there will be lots of new jobs by manufacturing medical supplies in the USA in order to be prepared for future pandemics.

  1. I see that countries around the world including the USA will be more prepared for future pandemics because this virus made us look third world.

  1. I see that lots of new jobs will be created from January 2021 because the world has changed forever with the great reset.

  1. I see that the housing market will take 18-24months to start picking back up in some areas of the country. Some states will be worse off than others due to the massive job layoffs.

  1. I see that banks and landlords will have to leave people in their homes for about a year until the homeowners and renters can recover financially to pay mortgage and rent.

  1. I see that most car dealers will be giving consumers new incentives including letting car buyers not having to pay any car payments for about a year when buying a new or used car. The reason being that luxury cars would be stuck at dealerships around the country.

  1. I see people will be living much simpler lives and less materialistic now after COVID-19. People will be less selfish.

  1. I keep on seeing that the Democrats will lose the election because they don’t know how to change public opinion in their favor to be victorious over the current president. I also see that they are disorganized heading into the election cycle.

  1. I see that if the Democrats could get Bernie Sanders and his supporters to rally around Joe Biden by June that would change the dynamic and give them a greater chance of winning the election.

  1. I see that if the virus stops before September and a second round of bailout money comes out in time with a new jobs bill and new tax cuts, the American people will re-elect the current President very easily.

  1. I see that one of the ways the Democrats could win the Election is if Joe Biden was to choose a Vice President candidate who is pro-business and pro-Wall Street.


  1. I see that in order for people in the Caribbean to survive COVID-19 they cannot have cruise ships entering their ports till next year Spring. I also see that for the next 9 months all people coming into their airports need to be quarantined for 15 days before they venture into the public. This is important because COVID-19 will be back in the USA in Fall 2020.


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