Welcome! Peace and Love to you. These are the psychic predictions of The Spiritual Fixer when he performed a Psychic reading to see what the future holds. They were transcribed the exact way these messages came through from the spirit realm.
We are NOT affiliated with any political parties. These messages and visions are NOT based on personal opinions or beliefs rather these are intuitive insights from the spiritual world.
The future is not static. Therefore, based on the healing energy of love, faith and the power of prayer, things can change. God is in control.
Predictions for December 2022
Note: Before reading these predictions, please go back and read my prior predictions as many have already come to pass.
World Predictions
1. USA Election – Georgia’s US Senate Race: Senator Raphael Warnock vs Herschel Walker. I see that Warnock has the momentum heading into the December 6, 2022 Election Day so it is his election to lose. I see that as long as he remains focused and his voters turn out that he will have the victory.
2. USA: I see that former President Trump will not be getting the backing of his Republican Party to run again. I see that they will pick a fresh person for 2024.
3. US Economy - Bitcoin: I see that there will be more problems ahead for FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried. I see that he will get a slap on the wrist and won’t get a long jail term.
4. USA Jobs: I predicted back in June that there would be countless job losses and layoffs and as you can see it is happening now. Sadly, I still see even more layoffs by the end of December into January which will be painful for families.
5. Russia: I see President Putin will not be happy with the new price cap on Russian Seaborne Oil by G7 Nations. I see in the end they will make some type of deal with Putin in 2023.
6. England: I feel sorry for the regular people because the government will be taxing the poor and middle class. I see the British people will be angry in the streets protesting in 2023.
7. Covid: Back in Spring in 2022 I predicted that we will see Covid spikes again along with a heavy Flu season during winter into Spring 2023. I still see this happening so be alert and wear your masks.
8. Caribbean - Trinidad: I see that the government should move their Carnival to May 2023 instead of having it in February 2023. I see lots of tourists will spread Covid and flu viruses leaving the citizens of Trinidad very sick.
9. World: I see the following countries have to be on high alert for earthquakes in 2023: Haiti, Mexico, Trinidad, California, Chile, Costa Rica, Japan, Iran and Indonesia.
10. World: I see a virus will be hitting food supplies in some G7 countries for 2023. Please stock up on 6 months of food and water at all times to be ready. Don’t wait until the last minute.
11. USA Home Prices: I see that the US is heading into a buyer’s market Spring 2023 into 2024. By 2025 into 2026 it will be a seller’s market again.
12. World: This message is for everyone around the world. I see that we will get through the rough times of the next 18 months by staying in prayer, helping the poor, staying on budget, and being loving to each other. If we do these things, all will be well. Remember prayer moves mountains!
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· General Reading – The Spirit guides will provide special messages that you need to know about multiple areas of your life such as your relationships, finances, love life, health and career.