Welcome! Peace and Love to you. These are the psychic predictions of The Spiritual Fixer when he performed a Psychic reading to see what the future holds. They were transcribed the exact way these messages came through from the spirit realm.
We are NOT affiliated with any political parties. These messages and visions are NOT based on personal opinions or beliefs rather these are intuitive insights from the spiritual world.
The future is not static. Therefore, based on the healing energy of love, faith and the power of prayer, things can change. God is in control.
Predictions for October 2023
Note: Before reading these predictions, please go back and read my prior predictions as many have already come to pass.
World Predictions
1. Israel/Palestine: On three occasions (in my World blogs in January, June, and September) I predicted that Israel will be at war with neighboring countries. Unfortunately, my prediction was accurate and has come to pass. I see that this war could spread to Iran and other countries.
2. World – Economy/World Markets: I see that this new war with Israel will drive oil and energy prices higher in the Fall and Winter season especially if Iran gets attacked and drawn into this war with neighboring countries.
3. World – Covid: I see that people in North America need to be be prepared for this new Pirola Covid strain. Countries are not prepared for this strain and it can get out of control in the USA, Canada and the Caribbean very quickly. I see many loss of lives because people are not prepared. Please build up your immune system and remain healthy.
4. USA and Canada – Terrorism: I see that the USA and Canada need to be on high alert for terrorist attacks in big cities from now into next year due to the Israel/Hamas war.
5. USA – Jewish people: Sadly, I see there will be attacks on the Jewish people around the world including the USA and Canada due to sentiments about the war. All Jewish people please be alert 24/7 and be aware of your surroundings when traveling, shopping, at places of worship, driving and when taking public transportation.
6. USA – Housing market: I see that first time home buyers should wait for another two years to purchase homes when interest rates go back down. The only reasons they should buy now is if they are getting a super great deal or paying cash.
7. USA – Senior Citizens: I see we need to pay attention to this group because millions of seniors will be homeless on the streets. I see the elderly will not have enough income to offset inflation prices and cuts in social welfare services.
8. World – Division: I see the world will be divided over this war in the Middle East with Israel and Hamas especially when the pictures of the dead women and children are leaked. I see that the optics will not look good for everyone fighting.
9. USA – Citizens: I see the American people need to be alert when traveling around the world because they can be easy targets due to the war in the Middle East.
10. USA – Politics: I see NJ Senator Bob Menendez will have to take some type of plea deal in the near future because I see if he goes to trial he will be found guilty this time.
11. World - Earthquake: I see another massive earthquake will happen in the next few months with loss of lives. People will be in shock and say, “God is coming back like in the last days.” Let’s pray it doesn’t happen.
12. World – Russia and China: Due to America being distracted and stretched from a military perspective, I see that Russia and China will take advantage and go after Ukraine and Taiwan.
Message to the World: I implore the world to return to prayer and the sacredness of Divine love. Do not negate the power of prayer. Some of you only pray when you are in trouble or when you want something. Prayer is not a magic trick. Prayer is a powerful way to heal your heart and soothe your soul. A prayer of praise is like a powerful sword that cuts through discontent and feelings of unworthiness. Prayer reminds you of who you really are, a spiritual being who is a child of the Divine. Even when you feel nothing is happening and your prayers are not being answered there is much that is taking place in the spiritual realm; battles that are being fought and won on your behalf. The problem is you want the prayer to be answered your way rather than letting God answer your prayers in the way that is best for you.
Are you unhappy, fed-up, heartbroken, or just know that something in your life needs to change? I invite you to take the first step in your transformation and book your General Reading today.